ஸந்தேஹ நிவாரணீ – Clearance of Spiritual Doubts – பாகம் 1 & 2
0This book clarifies many doubts on spiritual matters & religious rituals –
- What should we do?
- When should we do it?
- Where should we do it?
- How should we do it?
- Who should do it?
- Where can we get clarifications and answers for our doubts and questions?
- Are the answers authentic?
- What is the source of authority for such answers?
- Who will guide us in the right way?
There are various such questions that arise in our minds. Sometimes there seem to be apparent contradictions in the answers we receive. Which answers should we accept and follow? There are also several confusions that arise in our minds. However these questions are good in one way. Only when there is a question, there can be an answer. Only when there is confusion clarity emerges, because we seek it. These doubts and questions show that the person has already taken the first step in his spiritual quest.
We have done our best to get the correct answers from the various authorities in our Vedas and Sastras. However we welcome comments and corrections from learned Pandits, Vidwans and Saints well versed in the Vedas and dharma Sastras. This will assist further the cause of helping people understand our various rituals and practices better. Even more importantly it will guide them to do the right things.